MDaemon 13 Custom Login Logo
For years I have been using Mdaemon and setting up custom login logos for different themes. This was a matter of replacing the biglogo.gif in each theme folder with a custom image.
Now it seems that the logon image comes from /all/banner.gif
changing this images changes it for all themes because it now ignores the biglogo.gif in the theme folder.
This is due to a new Branding feature in version 13:
[9362] (Requires MDaemon PRO) WorldClient’s branding images may now be easily customized. To customize the images, select the “WorldClient Branding” option from WebAdmin’s “Main” menu.
You can customize the Login Page Image and the Navigation Sidebar Image for WorldClient. To configure this, login to WebAdmin as a Global Administrator and select WorldClient Branding.
This is great if you want the same logo for all themes. But if you are creating custom themes for different domain names on your server this does not help.
This is the code from the new Logon.html file in the LookOut Template folder which loads the logo:
<div id=”biglogo” align=”center”<$IF DOMAIN:CustomBranding$> class=”customBranding”<$ENDIF$>><img src=”<$LOGOLARGE$>” alt=”WorldClient” /></div>
This is the custom code that I replaced it with:
<div id=”biglogo” align=”center”><img src=”<$THEME$>/NewLogo.gif” alt=”WorldClient” /></div>
This loads the file called NewLogo.gif from the Theme’s folder.
I then had to temporarily disable HTML caching on the server so that it would load my new code.