How to fix your CD or DVD Drive Not Recognized by Windows
Windows doesn’t see your CD or DVD drive. Your BIOS sees the drive just fine. You probably just installed or uninstalled Roxio CD burning product.
1. Boot into Windows.
2. Choose Start > Run.
3. Type regedit in the Open text box.
4. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlClass in the Registry Editor dialog box and select the {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} key, which appears as a folder.
5. Select File > Export (Windows XP) or Registry > Export Registry File (Windows 2000).
6. In the Export Registry File dialog box, select Selected Branch under Export Range, name the file (for example, CDDVDkey.reg), and click Save to save the file to the Desktop.
7. In the right panel of the Registry Editor, select the LowerFilters line, and then choose Edit > Delete. Click Yes in the Confirm Key Delete dialog box.
8. Select the UpperFilters line, and then choose Edit > Delete. Click Yes in the Confirm Key Delete dialog box.
9. Close the Registry Editor.
10. Restart Windows.
Background information:
The UpperFilters and LowerFilters keys in the Windows registry store information about CD and DVD burning drivers. When you add or remove CD and DVD burning applications, these registry keys are altered and they can become corrupted. When you remove the registry keys and restart the computer, Windows refreshes the keys. Some applications may use a different burning driver than the application you reinstalled. If the other CD or DVD burning applications installed on your computer cannot access the drive after Windows refreshes the registry keys, you will need to reinstall those applications before they can access the drive.