How to Fix Outlook Express 6 Spell Check
If you are running Windows XP, you may find that spell checking does not work, and cannot be enabled in Outlook Express 6. When you try to spellcheck a message, you may receive the message “an error occurred while the spelling was being checked”
It’s important to note that Outlook Express does not have a spell checker. However, it can make use of the spell checker in Microsoft Office 95 or later, or Microsoft Works (later versions, which include Microsoft Word) if present.
If you have a suitable Microsoft application installed on your computer but spell checking does not work, the most common cause of this problem is a missing file which Outlook Express requires in order to make use of the Office spellchecker.
To solve this problem, you need to obtain a copy of the missing file csapi3t1.dll and place it in the folder :
c:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedProof
After have done this, you may need to restart Windows. You should also verify that “Always check spelling” is enabled in Tools, Options, Spelling.
Additional Information:
The missing csapi3t1.dll file is included with Windows XP, it simply isn’t installed by default. You can install it from the i386 folder on your Windows XP CD. (If you don’t have a Windows XP CD, your computer manufacturer should have created an i386 folder somewhere on your hard disk.)
To use the version provided with Windows XP,
Insert your Windows XP CD
Click on Start, Run, then type the following line and press enter: (cut and paste this for accuracy)
expand d:i386csapi3t1.dl_ c:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedProofcsapi3t1.dll
If this doesn’t help, try copying csapi3t1.dll to the Outlook Express folder instead. Some users have reported that this works when all else has failed.