Windows XP Logs on then Logs off
Also known as: Windows XP Logs Off immediately after Log On
There are several forums that tell you to do this:
1. Boot using your winxp cd.
2. Enter recovery console.
3. at the command prompt go to
4. next type:
copy userinit.exe wsaupdater.exe
5. exit and reboot normally. You should now be able to logon. But you’re not done yet!
6. run regedit
7. find the Userinit key in:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon
8. modify the entry:
so that it reads:
make sure to include the Comma
However, this didn’t work for me because the registry entry was already correct.
My fix:
the file c:windowssystem32userinit.exe was completely missing.
I copied it from another working computer by pulling the hard drive out of the broken machine and attaching it to the working machine.